Microsoft | Architect Forum – 17 de Novembro, Vip Art's Hotel
Cloud Computing
Um conceito global. Uma nova arquitectura!
O Cloud Computing é um termo simples que representa a abstracção para uma complexidade de padrões, serviços e infra-estrutura. É considerado por muitos, como uma forma escalável, elástica e económica de implementar soluções, representando uma mudança significativa de paradigmas.
Neste contexto, participe neste fórum de Arquitectos
Welcome coffee
Microsoft's Cloud Computing Platform : What it is and when to use it
Cloud computing looks like the biggest change to hit our industry in many years. The advent of cheap, scalable computing power available over the Internet will affect almost everybody who works in IT. But taking advantage of this shift requires understanding this new approach and how to exploit it.
In this half-day seminar, David Chappell looks at the big picture of cloud computing, then focuses in on Microsoft's new cloud platform technologies.
David Chappell
Almoço (livre)
14:30 / 18:00
Sessões a desvendar após o PDC (Professional Development Conference)
Architect David Chappell
David Chappell is Principal of Chappell & Associates in San Francisco, California.
Through his speaking, writing, and consulting, he helps software professionals around the world understand, use, and make better decisions about new technologies. David has been the keynote speaker for many conferences and events on five continents, and his seminars have been attended by tens of thousands of developers, architects, and decision makers in forty countries. David's books have been translated into ten languages and used regularly in courses at MIT, ETH Zurich, and other educational institutions.
In his consulting practice, he has helped clients such as Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Microsoft, Stanford University, and Target Corporation adopt new technologies, market new products, train their sales staffs, and create business plans.
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